Platforms are funny, and I think the web's, it's greatest strenght is, that it is the weirdest one and I think if the web gets unweird and gets too standardized and gets too many components [...] so I think the web has survided so long and will continue to thrive as long as it's weird. It must be unique, always .. an URL must be a surpise forever, if you start to visit URLs and they all start to feel the same, then I think this platform becomes less fun, this platform becomes too functional and right now the web is so rad 'cause it is all of them, all at once. It's dark and it's light, it's weird and it's normal, anybody can exist anywhere in that spectrum and if that dies I think the web platform dies.

–Adam Argyle

In: – Folge 55 - CSS mit Adam Argyle von Google1

  1. Vgl. Argyle, Adam: Folge 55 - CSS mit Adam Argyle von Google [Audio-Podcast], in: – der web und mobile development Podcast - Folge 55 - CSS mit Adam Argyle von Google, 13. März 2020, [online], 54:30–55:46