Space Is The Place: From Simulation to Hyperreality


Today abstraction is no longer that of the map, the double, the mirror or the concept. Simulation is no longer that real without origin or reality: a hyperreal.
–Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulation

As applications and user experiences continue to evolve past the
boundaries of the device and melt into the fabric of the world at large,
the jobs of architects and interface designers are becoming ever more
entangled and indistinguishable. In a world where traditional
epistemological distinctions between \'rendered\' and \'real\' become
increasingly irrelevant, a considered awareness of space and place is
mandatory for the practitioners who mediate the environments where
application states intersect states of mind. This course exposes
participants to the philosophical and sociological discourse
underpinning hyperreality, while exploring contemporary off-screen
interfaces and ambient interaction in the rest of the universe, outside
of the device. Reflecting on the physics and psychology of space,
participants will consider the theoretical and technical foundations of
tangible, pervasive and ubiquitous computing, as well as future
directions for emerging technologies including Mixed Realities and the
Web of Everything. Successful candidates will apply their
experimentation in support of the development of a relevant semester
project, scaffolded by targeted readings, discussion sessions and


17 October 2017

Week 1
Course Organization
Administrative Housekeeping

Assignment: Read the linked article titled Jean Baudrillard: Simulacra and Simulations

24 October 2017

Week 2
An Abridged History of Simulation

Assignment: For our meeting in two weeks, develop a physical or digital simulation and be ready to present your work for 10-15 minutes. You may wish to refer to some of the examples listed in the sources below.

Sources and Links from the Lecture


Baudrillard, the Simulacra and the Origins of Simulation


From Creative Production to Living Simulation

Simulation, Modeling and Computation

Digital Simulation Examples

Extra Materials re: Simulation''

24 October 2017

Week 3
No Class - Reformation Day

7 November 2017

Week 4
Roundtable Project Presentation I: Simulation

Assignment: For next week, please read the following two articles: and

14 November 2017

Week 5
Physics and Philosophy of Space
Descartes, Newton, Leibniz, Einstein
Plato, Kant, Heidegger

Assignment: For next week, please review the following videos from the PBS series Space Time:
When Time Breaks Down:
The Origin of Matter and Time:
The Real Meaning of E=mc^2:

In advance of next week's workshop you will also want to download and install SketchUp here:

Sources from the Lecture

21 November 2017

Week 6
3D Spatial Representation and Digital Modelling
Workshop with Pol Foreman

28 November 2017

Week 7
Midterm Presentations

5 December 2017

Week 8
Proximetrics: Human Perception and Psychology of Space
Tangible Computing
Physical Interfaces

Sources and Links from the Lecture

12 December 2017

Week 9
NOTE: Today's class meeting is cancelled due to illness.

19 December 2017

Week 10
Prototyping Lab

09 January 2018

Week 11
Input Modalities
Context-Aware Computing and Location Services

Sources and Links from the Lecture

Assignment: Considering the different input modalities presented during today's demos (conventional HID devices, tangible interface objects, Computer Vision, embedded or discrete sensors, audio processing, location/positioning systems) develop an example of a simple system that takes some form of input and uses it to determine a change in usage context and then affect a corresponding change in the system's behavior. Be ready to present your system and discuss its input and context during next week's project roundtable.

16 January 2018

Week 12
Roundtable Project Presentation II: Inputs and Context
Milgram und Co.: Mixed Realities

23 January 2018

Week 13
Debugging Lab (Possible Excursion?)

30 January 2018

Week 14
Final Presentations

15 March 2018

Final Semester Deliverable Submission Deadline