looks incredibly meh, copycat tech for 5x the price.
I tried the Quest 3. Loved the VR experience, but hated the lack of comfort (and, no, third party straps didn't help). Returned it. From an ergonomics standpoint, this is the same, tired design--extremely front heavy and poorly thought out. This monstrosity is heavier than the Quest, PLUS you have a cord and battery bank. I'm sure the visuals are great, but no normal person will want to wear this for any extended period of time, especially not a full work day.

Apple should've focused on comfort and wearability, first and foremost. So, while this looks fun, it's a hard pass from me. I don't miss the time I spent with a Quest 3, dealing with a lot of discomfort while wearing it, and then a feeling of relief when I took it off, only to look in the mirror and discover my hair wrecked for the day, and that lovely, red ring around my eyes (VR face) that lasted for hours afterward.
All I really want to know is this: were the pre-release article about how the Apple Vision's displays just aren't high res enough for a good virtual monitor experience (e.g. https://kguttag.com/2023/08/20/apple-vision-pro-part-5c-more-on-monitor-replacement-is-ridiculous/) correct?
One word. PornHub. Can you see my hands now!
You kid, but honestly, I think at this point in time, porn is probably one of the best

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